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Uncertain musings.

Clearly, I’m rubbish at blogging. I haven’t written once since September! I think my problem is I use up my creative streak during the day or can’t be bothered when ideas come to me when I’m lying awake at night. 

I came on to write a post because I watched a webinar today, yes - another one. I know that’s pretty much all I’ve posted on this blog, I do have original thoughts sometimes and I’ll find a groove eventually. I digress. 

The webinar was on uncertainty, how we respond to it and how we can reframe it and convert uncertainty to opportunity. That gave me a wild hair up my butt to write a post, not because I particularly have anything new to add to the conversation but because I was feeling reflective and what do I do when I’m feeling reflective - write it down!

I don’t think anyone particularly likes uncertainty and I’ve certainly never thrived on it, I like knowing the script. However, the last few years have given us zero choice but to exist within it. I don’t even need to elaborate. 

Using my instincts to reframe my thought process is something I really took away from today. Like if I knew no bad thing would happen because I rode the wave of uncertainty - what would I do? What do I know now but probably won’t actually figure out properly for another six months when I’ve made sense of it? I know that sounds a bit airy fairy, but that sort of internal dialogue. 

Radical gratitude is something else I took away, like the things we take for absolute granted but when everything else we know is stripped away, will notice, appreciate and thank god, thank goodness, thank Kylie Minogue (or whoever it is you thank) for? Like a few years ago when bird song was suddenly all I could hear outside. 

There is way more to the webinar than the things I’m pulling out, but these are the things that stuck with me. I’m not really sure where my uncertainty tolerance levels are sitting but probably higher than they would have been a few years ago, because they’ve had to be. 

I’m not entirely sure how I go about turning uncertainty into opportunity but I think its more about finding opportunity or creativity amidst the unfamiliar. 

Anyhusan, that’s my musings for the day. See you when the inspiration next takes me! 

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