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Morning cup of nonsense

I’m forty-ish minutes into my working day, I’m not dressed yet, my curly hair has succumbed to bedhead and needs washed and I’m still wearing my muppets pyjama top. However, my morning cup is filled with caffeine and enough flavour that I can’t taste the coffee, so I decided it was time for a blog! Here we! 

I was reading an email the other day - I always read mailing list/marketing & comms emails as I know a Rachie somewhere has worked on that and that the stats will help whether I’m a converted to end goal reader or not. Anyhusan, it was about how to get buy in from colleagues for your work and to be honest, I don’t think that’s as big a struggle as getting buy in from myself. 

I am forever telling myself not to try things, not to suggest things, not to experience things. And why? Because it might not work? Because someone might think it is or I am rubbish? So what? 

Other people try things and it doesn’t work - generally speaking, no bad thing happens. So what’s stopping me?

That would be me. I stop me. That voice in my head that tells me I can’t. However, my primary school teacher’s voice lives rent free in my head with this saying: 

“If you think you can, you’re right. If you think you can’t you’re right.” 

At the age of ten, I didn’t particularly know what it meant, I just remember she would get us to repeat it. In the last few years, it has properly resonated with me. 

In practice, I’ve noticed I follow that pattern. I think I can’t or shouldn’t, so I don’t. I think I can so I try or do.

I strongly doubt I’m going to post this and go into every day as the little train that could, but I’m going to listen out for that teacher’s voice when I need my own buy in. 

Today’s mugshot

Serving up some Minnie Mouse and unkempt hair realness. 

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