A wedding, bereavement and a puppy: 2023 so far!

This is year so far has been a bit like a rollercoaster - actually no, Rachel doesn’t do rollercoasters, too much of a fearty - make that waltzer ride I got on but never stopped spinning. 

It occurred to me in the midst of that, I haven’t posted on here at all! 

I’ll start with the fun stuff, I got married a few weeks ago and became a wife! Went on a lovely honeymoon to Toronto on as much of a shoestring as we could! It was lovely and we absolutely want to visit again to visit the things we didn’t manage because there is so much to see and do. 

I was particularly pleased with myself for doing the CN Tower - I normally get scared walking up the stairs to a slimming pool slide because it’s ‘too high’ 

Rewind a few weeks to the wedding, a similarly lovely time for me; though a little bittersweet.  To explain, we have to rewind a little again to March. 

In March, my now husband lost both his parents just 22 days apart. We toyed with postponing but my husband felt his mum would have wanted him to go ahead so that’s what we did. Although not there physically, we know angels were with us on the day. 

Rewinding a few months again back to January set the pace for my year.  We welcomed Luna into our home. Luna is our German Shepherd puppy who looks about 5 years old in height but is actually less than a year old. She’s funny, she’s gentle in nature, but she’s also fast, active and will guard mummy with her life, I don’t know what we would have done this year without her. She was meant for us. 

Just a few days after we got Luna, my boss had to take some time off work due to illness and that meant taking on lots more responsibility, whilst juggling a young puppy and planning a wedding.  

The waltzer started spinning in January and hasn’t quite slowed down yet. But maybe that’s not such a bad thing. I’ve grown personally and professionally this year because I’ve had to and while there are aspects of this year I would absolutely love to reverse, like the loss and pain my husband has experienced, I wouldn’t take away the person this year has shaped me into. I’m still me but I’m stronger because I know I can be, I have less imposter syndrome because I know I can do things. 

For the remainder of this year’s waltzer, I’d like to think I’m in the control box, setting the pace, but if not, I’ll keep spinning and see where it takes me! 