Quirky Reads: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.

As a kid, I was fairly confident, possibly even too confident at times, I was scared of insects, dogs and lifts/elevators but not much else. 
As I got a bit older, that confidence sort of dissolved like Alex Mack into a puddle of goop, and I found myself a much shyer Rachie.
A few months ago, I met with a lovely lady called Hilary who was helping me by offering me advice & tips for interviews and she quickly picked up on the fact that one of my biggest problems was confidence.
Along with lots of interview specific advice, she also advised that I do one scary thing everyday and read a book called
'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway' by Susan Jeffers.
I quickly acquired a copy and began reading it in the hopes that I would gain something from it - and I certainly did.
Without reiterating the whole book and spoiling it for anyone who hasn't read it yet and might want to - I learned that I'm most afraid of What Ifs!
What if I can't do this? What if they don't like me?
What if I'm awful at this?
What if something goes horribly wrong?
Shortly thereafter, I learned that the best thing I can do to try and squash that fear is to answer all of my What Ifs with
'I'll handle it!'
I'm not suggesting I'll be going skydiving or walking a tightrope anytime soon but I am more open to tackling the unknown and I'm gradually learning to stop saying 'I don't think I can do this' and go with 'I'll give it a try' instead.



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