Clumsiness and Muppet Dreams.

Clumsiness and Muppet Dreams.

My name is Rachie......and I am Muppet.

When I say Muppet, I'm not referring to my aspiration to join Kermit and co on their travels, swap shoe advice with Miss Piggy and hang out with Animal, Beaker, Fozzy, Rizzo and Gonzo....although I'd totally love that and if someone wanted to make that happen I'd be eternally grateful.

I'm referring to my tendency to do silly things.
I'm not sure if clumsy is a better word for it, or maybe spatially unaware.... 
For example, I have lived in the same home for the past 26 years and have had the same bedroom for at least 15 of those years if not more.... I still manage to walk into the door on my way out every day.

Most mornings, I find that I wake up because I've hit my head off the wall or my headboard, I constantly hit my arm or my hand off of the door post on the way into the living room (which is basically a straight line across the hall from my bedroom).

When I invigilate, I'm forever tripping over wires and bags or walking into table corners and when I'm playing my brass instrument, I always find a way to hit myself in the face or drop it on my toe or whack my hand off it.
My mum suspects that I could sit alone in an empty field and still find a way to cause myself an injury  and whilst she's joking - I don't think she's wrong!

Sometimes I can be accident prone without even doing anything, the other night I accidently got hit in the head with an unfolding music stand because I was bent down in the wrong place at the wrong time so even when it's not caused my own stupidity, I still find a way to be clumsy!

I'm also particularly talented in dropping things, like my phone (which thankfully has yet to smash), my keys, food, I once spectacularly tipped an entire bowl of microwave popcorn all over the floor, it literally looked like the carpet was a sea of popcorn and my mum was still finding un-popped bits months later.

Getting back to my earlier Muppet thought, I think I'd make a great Muppet and they found a place for Walter, although to be fair, he did help them save the Muppet Theatre!
I'll find a way to join! Maybe my clumsiness could be my talent! :-)



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