Personal Space/Personal Bubbles.

I can come across as a bit weird sometimes - hardly surprising to anyone who has ever met me! Haha!

Sometimes I come across as weird because I'm embracing my quirks or being a bit silly but sometimes it's because I have a mini internal panic if someone is standing just a bit too close to me or randomly touches me without prior warning.  

I used to think I was just a bit weird, as I kid I never liked holding hands with other kids in the line as we walked from classroom to classroom, I hated hide and seek because I'd often have to hide in a small space or in close proximity to another human, 

Even now as an adult, I don't especially like people touching me or standing too close to me, I prefer to initiate hugs unless it is someone I know very well and trust, I feel uncomfortable if I'm boxed into space between two people, I feel uncomfortable if someone is standing so close to me that they really ought to have bought me dinner and a bunch of flowers first. 

I've slowly started to realise that while I could be doing with calming down a little about things like that (even if I only have a bit of a freak out inside my head and don't actually mention to anyone for fear of coming across as rude) and my issue isn't that I'm weird - my issue is that I have a thing about personal space. 

I like having my own little personal space of safety - that tiny little space between myself and the rest of the universe that belongs to me and where any traffic that passes by be it human or object does so  fleetingly or with my permission.   My mother and I refer to it as 'My Bubble'.

Sometimes I need to get a grip, I absolutely want people to come sit with me, stand with me, talk to me and spend time with me,  I would hate for someone to think I was unapproachable or being purposely rude.
 I just need that tiny little space where I can breathe and feel comfortable.
There are times however when I feel like I need to trust that my gut is telling me that taking a physical step backwards or to the side is for my own safety or comfort. 

I'm not the only person in the world who has a thing about personal space, there will be plenty of others who feel the same way.  If anyone reading this has the same issue, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! Do you have any coping methods you use?

On a completely unrelated note.........

My big brother got married last week and one of my fave things about the day was that set out at everyone's place at the dinner table was bubbles in a little wedding cake bottle!
On this occasion - I really did have my own personal bubble - many bubbles to be precise!
I've been having way too much fun with these at home!



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