Blogmas Belated Day 3: Family.

On the third day of Blogmas Rachie blogged to me.....absolutely nothing!
Day 3 is a day late........

I left the house in the morning, tenor horn in hand to go play some Christmas music and got home just after midnight, yesterday was a busy one. 

I began my day playing carols in the city centre before hopping over to a Christmas Fayre a little further afield to help out at a Christmas light switch on.  After that, I went to see a friend and hear all about her wedding plans.

It was a fun day and I even met a few familiar Disney faces without having to travel abroad!

It was definitely a day where it was hard not to feel festive but I've had similar days in similar years where I've really struggled to see the festive side of things because I've been too stressed or highly strung to think about the bigger picture. 


The fayre I was at yesterday was in a small village but the hall was absolutely packed with children and families.  It's very easy to forget amid the chaos of festive events, where you feel like a sardine, that there is a magic to it for younger people and a big part of that magic stems from the experiences they share with their families in the lead up to Christmas.

It set me off thinking about why I enjoy Christmas so much.  
It occurred to me that I place quite a lot of my Christmas enjoyment on spending time with my family.
Almost all of my most favourite traditions involve visiting or spending time with family in some shape or form, whether its visiting my aunt and uncle for Christmas Dinner, a traditional Christmas present exchange, a trip to my brothers house,viewing the Christmas lights in busy streets.   

When I was younger a big part of my Christmas routine involved visiting my Grandparents, where for one day a year, we'd be allowed to enter the house via the front door rather than the back door.
It always throws me a little when I drive past their home now and I can see that the people who live there now have plastered over the back door and although I know I'm being silly, I always wonder how they will get in the house when it's not Christmas day. 

Even at 27, I rely heavily on family interaction to enjoy the festive season. The family doesn't always take the same shape,  some family members have passed on, others have slotted in or arrived in the world but the family focus has largely stayed the same. 

Day 4 brings a welcome home....more on that later.  



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