Blogmas Day 16 &17: Pavement Rage

I feel like December has crept up suddenly and disappeared all at once!!

I finally finished my Christmas shopping today!
The downside was that I went the city centre...on a December.  That aint a sensible thing to be doing in December.

Lots of Christmas shoppers meant there was lots of humans, lots of humans meant lots of crowded streets, lots of crowded streets meant lots of people stopping to look in windows, look at their phones, talk to a friend, look at a product in a shop....all of which made it pretty difficult to navigate my way from shop to shop.

My pavement rage is the stuff of legend....well amongst my boyfriend, my mother and my friend Nicole....

I'm not unbearably angry or anything like that, I just get a little exasperated when someone in front of me stops or cant decide what direction they need to go in next, meaning I too have to stop, which then kicks in my impatience, which then leads me to getting annoyed at myself and in turn the person who delayed me. 

I forgot to take a picture here's a picture of me in a cat mask instead!



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