Blogmas Day 5: Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I know it's only the fifth of December but Christmas is almost in full swing already....Christmas services have started, Christmas shoppers have descended upon retailers, office parties are about to take place and lights are everywhere. 

If you weren't paying attention, you'd think it was Christmas Eve with the sheer volume of Christmas decorations. 

Everyone has there own marker for when it's officially Christmas for some its the Holidays are coming advert, for some its the John Lewis Advert, for some its when the lights go on, for some its when Eastenders comes on during Christmas Day or when the office closes.  Mine has moved around over the years.

One of my favourite things to do as a kid was to go with my parents, just a few streets over and view the lights of once house in particular - everyone knows someone who goes overboard with their Christmas decorations and one family a few streets away from me, really did go to town. 

There was Santa waiting by the Chimney, lights on all the greenery and shrubbery in the garden, decorations scattered around the outside of the house...Christmas songs booming loud and proud from a speaker and even a television pushed up against the window playing Christmas's been such a long time that I doubt the same family even live there, and if they do, they don't go to the same extreme.

There was something very magical about that house, not necessarily the lights and entertainment, but the sense that they loved Christmas as much as I did, gave me all sorts of happy feelings as a kid and made me feel like Christmas was right around the corner. 

My offical 'Christmas is here' feeling kicks in now just after my brother's birthday on the 20th.  Don't even get me started on having a sibling with a birthday in the same week as Christmas - most annoying!

The Upsidedown tree pictured above belongs to my friend Lorna - it's fab!



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