Blogmas Day 7: Christmas shopping

If I got money every time someone asked me if I was all set for Christmas and all my shopping was done, I'd have enough money to buy myself lots of expensive presents.

I know plenty of people who have it all done and dusted or know exactly what kinds of gifts they need to complete their list....

I can't operate that way.  
I have to happen upon a gift while browsing shops, I have to see it and decide on impulse, if I forward plan, it doesn't work.  
I end up with something generic or not quite suitable and end up shoving it in a cupboard somewhere in the hopes it suits someone else and just go out shopping again until I get it right. 

It's only the 7th day of December, so I still have time before any sort of panic has to happen, but I also can't bring myself to do Christmas shopping in advance.  I'm a last minute girl, I thrive on the pressure of knowing I have a very limited amount of time in which to find the perfect helps me bring out my A game! 

I could use my Mum as an effective case study for my method, she always says she doesn't ever get a bad present from me and the vast majority of her presents are chosen within a very last minute time frame. 

I actually blame my family for my lackadaisical approach to Christmas shopping - Mum and Dad both have a  birthday in November and my brother is five days before Christmas.  Add to that for future gift buying that my two Nephew's are also in November, which means I have 4 close family members all with a birthday shortly before Christmas.  You don't want to use up all your ideas on a birthday present and be completely unimaginative at Christmas, but equally you don't want to skimp on a birthday present either.  

If you need me during the week before Christmas....I'll be visiting several retailers for gifts and inspiration!



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