Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone

About two and a half years years ago I wrote a blog post about doing one thing every day that scares me. 

I've done this in fits and starts since then with varying results.
At the time of writing the original post, I'd just decided to resume driving lessons, the outcome being that I've now been driving for a year and that's a direct result of doing something that scared me.

I haven't stuck to that commitment of doing something scary every day, I've been less terrified to fry an egg (heck I poach them now) or get stuck at traffic lights on a steep hill but I haven't set out to purposefully remove myself from the comfort and security of my own bubble. 

I thought I'd done the occasionally daring thing, my hair was post box red when I started my blog, it's now black and blue but looking back that wasn't really a daring choice. That was done in an effort to put myself back in my box a little bit. 

I've kinda been putting myself in a box for the last while, not necessarily switching off aspects of who I am, but more allowing them to become dormant.

I've decided I need to start pushing myself out of my comfort again and switch some of those parts of Rachie back on.
The parts of me that relished adventure, discovery, fun and magic. 

I'm not necessarily going to try and put myself in a scary situation every day for the sake of it, but I'm going to seize more opportunities to metaphorically sink or swim by doing something that doesn't naturally sit in my zone of comfort.

If I'm rubbish at something, I gave it a try and experienced something new, if I'm great then that's a new discovery I can take with me onto whatever I tackle next.



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