Snowy Day Musings: A Collection of Random Thoughts.

I've been working from home over the last few days - something I'm very fortunate to be able to do, I know that lots of people have been stranded on motorways, in work, in airports etc. 
Alongside working from home, all of the things I do outside of work were cancelled and I’ve been spending a lot of time indoors. Although I can be a bit of a homebody, I do actually thrive on getting out and about.
I'm not really complaining, I'm very lucky to have had the warmth and comfort of my home to work in, a luxury that not everyone has had access to. 

My mind does wander a little more at home though and I thought it would be funny to record and share my thought process across the last few days. 



Confirmation received from work that the snow is too cray-cray to be venturing out in the direction of the office.  


I go back to bed and enjoy the lie in afforded to me by a lack of need to travel or put on clean underwear. 


I’ve been awake for a while; I chow down on my breakfast and switch on the computer. 

I’ve got this working from home lark nailed, I can totally handle this.


I should really get out of my pyjamas, put on some clean underwear and wash.


I am a functioning adult; I have gotten dressed, and simultaneously worked and listened to The Spice Girls back catalogue. I had a brief childhood recollection of wanting to be Sporty whenever we played ‘Spice Girls’ but the general consensus being that my curly hair was much more suited to Scary. I did get to be Posh in a talent show on holiday when I was about 9 so there’s always that.  
I don’t have a Sporty bone in my body; I’d probably be Quirky Spice today. 


Now that my evening engagements have been cancelled on account of snow, I can focus on finishing out the working day and doing something productive like tidying or writing a blog post.


Begin watching Les Miserables on Netflix, singing aloud obnoxiously.
I’m all for love at first sight, but if my boyfriend had gone Marius and Cosette on me on our first ever conversation, I’d have gotten on my metaphorical bike and pedalled fast and far. Different strokes for different folks. 
Maybe I'm too much the other way; I made poor James wait about 4 months before I felt trusting enough to hold his hand in public.  Remind me to think about sticking a medal in with his 30th birthday presents. 


Begin watching Mean Girls. I do love Tina Fey. What even is toaster strudel? It sounds amazing. I have pop tarts; I'm gonna be all about the pop tarts tomorrow morning.
 There’s something comforting about watching Mean Girls, until I remember it came out in 2004 and I am a whole 14 years older and will be 29 in just over a months’ time. 



Confirmation from work received that it’s another work from home day.  Official word from the people who do weather things for a living is that travelling would be dumb. Who am I to argue?
I did want to say 24601. 


My bladder has decided that I’m properly awake now. None of this lie in nonsense from yesterday.  


I simultaneously stick on the computer and some strawberry pop tarts, it’s one of the few flavours my digestive system harmonises with. I hear good things about Brown Sugar Cinnamon; I just have to find it.


Right, none of this laziness, unhygienic nonsense from yesterday, I’m clean and dressed. Sure I’m wearing yesterday’s jeans but everything else is fresh.


I could totally listen to a 90s playlist while I work, it’ll be super fun.  90s is my era. I’m shouting next at Alexa a lot but that’s because she’s picking all the rubbish ones! Maybe I’m a late 90s girl. 


Ahhhhh crap I stuck my potato in the microwave for 6 minutes, 20 minutes ago.  It might be edible. It cooks the longer you leave it, right?  Am I even still hungry? Yes, I am.


Whoooooooo lives in a pineapple under the sea?

You’ve got work to do Rachel. Get your head in the game. 


It’s the first of March; I really ought to change the page on my Doctor Who calendar.  How is it even March? Where does time go? 


I think I’m going to read a book tonight after I finish work, at least until EastEnders comes on (You may replace EastEnders with a soap opera or tv programme of your choice). 
The book James got me for Christmas? Yeah that’s a good idea.


Commence operation work on thyself. 
You may now open your book of choice, Rachel.

Crap, I missed EastEnders.



Usual drill, look out window, check for work update, same advice to use common sense and err on the side of safety applies.


Oh were you going to snooze for a while? Nah, you gotta pee.


Go go gadget productivity.....right after some pop tarts.
Lorelai would be proud. 
I find myself relating a bit more to Lorelai these days than I do with Rory, is that an age thing? In the revival, Rory is only a tiny bit older than me and at a similar stage in life but I'm still gravitating towards Lorelai.


I briefly daydream about opening a coffee shop, then I remember I hate coffee.


I've dialled into a webinar and should really mute myself as Dad's clearing the path outside with a shovel and the children next door are most definitely awake. 


My aunt texted to remind me to use my Christmas voucher before it expires later in the month.  How is it even March? How are we three months in? Why haven't I made time to go for a free meal yet?
Get your crap together Rachel!


Just when I thought Alexa was struggling to find her groove with me today, she gives me Greenday.  Well played. 


Alexa has started playing Beyoncé. I think she understands me now.  We’re cool Alexa.


Went out to the garden to empty the bin, that counts a) as exercise and b) as going outside, right?


There we are, it’s the weekend now. 
Tonight’s theme at Clubbercise was going to be
Unicorns and Mermaids.
I stuck on my unicorn hairband a while ago anyway. Who says I can’t be a unicorn while I work? Before I put it on, I used my unicorn decision making pen that James got me for Valentines, it said

‘Chase a rainbow’

Sound advice I reckon….in this instance and in life really.



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