32 things

Everyone has an idea of the milestones they want to tick off by the time they reach certain ages. It’s been a strange year where creating your own entertainment, stimulation and activity are what you make of it. 

With this in mind, I decided with 22 days to go until my birthday, I was going to tick of a list of 32 things. A bit a few years ago when I did a 28 things by 28. Except, instead of 6 weeks, I came up with the idea of doing it with 22 days to go!

The list varied from doing something new to wearing my spare glasses, but it passed the time.  With one day to go, this blog is the last item on my list to be ticked off! Yay! 32 to in 22. 

There are real milestones to be ticked off in life, but until the world is a bit more normal, I’ll be creating my own entertainment and magic! 

Here’s my list and a few examples of my attempts: 

32 in 22

  1. Make meatloaf from scratch 
  2. Make hot cross buns 
  3. Make bread 
  4. Do a 5k walk 
  5. Do a yoga session. 
  6. Put money in savings account 
  7. Have a picnic 
  8. Make something totally new for breakfast   
  9. Spend a working day dressed as snow white 
  10. Spend a working day dressed as dolly parton 
  11. Learn a Dolly Parton song on the ukulele or flugel - Saturday/Sunday 
  12. Go for a lunch time/after work walk 
  13. Decorate an egg 
  14. Paint my nails 
  15. Wear a different pair of shoes every day 
  16. Get car washed 
  17. Sew something 
  18. Wear a hat 
  19. Wear my green glasses for a day  
  20. Bake muffins 
  21. Drink a beanies coffee 
  22. Wear a leopard ensemble I’ve not worn before 
  23. Spend a day dressed as a fairy 
  24. Spend a day dressed as minnie mouse 
  25. Watch a film I’ve never seen before 
  26. Watch the one gilmore girls episode I’ve never seen 
  27. Make a new origami thing 
  28. Over indulge in chocolate 
  29. Park litter pick 
  30. Write a blog post ✅
  31. Make a vision board 
  32. Celebrate easter 



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