Today I’m grateful for

So, I’ve been following Alex Marrah on Instagram and moat days she kicks off her stories with how she’s going to show herself love or be kind to herself that day - like taking it easy, seeing a friend etc, and ends it with what she’s grateful for that day. 

I’m channeling that today. Head has been buried in data for a lot of this week and my brain has maxed out. 
So I’m being kind to myself  by allowing myself to eat as many of the peanut puffs (think cheetos but peanut) as I please and rewatching AJ and the Queen on the ‘ol flix. 

While we’re on the subject, that was an epic little gem of programme and not renewing it was short sighted. Sort yourself out ‘flix! 

I digress. 

Today I’m grateful for:

This morning’s hairwash. I’ve checked out on my curls a little over the summer. Hair feels a little more like mine today. 

Pesto gnocchi, because pesto gnocchi

The knowledge that tomorrow is Saturday and I don’t need to set my alarm 



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