Simple Pass Times

A lot of the things I like doing, like eating out, buying shoes, going to the cinema, going out for the afternoon with friends (which can at times include all of the above) - all cost money, which I unfortunately don't have growing on a tree in the back garden. How cool would that be though? If you could just nip out the back and pick off a note or two when you need some pennies? I digress, moving on. 

I've been making a conscious effort over the past little while to try and enjoy some of the things I can do and see for free, not because I can't afford to spend anything but because I don't always have to be spending money on something extravagant or exciting to have a nice day.  

Most days, I can happily pass the time at home getting stuck into a book, watching films (three of which today were Disney  - whilst reading a book!) chatting nonsense with my parents or letting my imagination run away into the wilderness while I type nonsense stories and poems. There are times however, when it's good for me to remember that there is also a world outside of the security of my bedroom door. 

A few times this year, I've found myself with a little bit of time to spare while waiting for a friend to arrive in town or I've had time to spare before or after an interview and I've popped into the Gallery of Modern Art and had a gander at what the current display is or nipped downstairs to the library and either started a to read a book or made lists of books I'd like to read. 

A few days ago, I had a picnic in a local country park with my boyfriend (who shall in future blog posts, should he be referred to at all, be referred to by his name James or a variation of that as the phrase 'my boyfriend' feels icky lol), as well as enjoying the sunshine and home made tuna mayo & chive pasta, we went on one of the nature walks, taking in the hidden beauty of the forestskimming stones across the water (Well, James skimmed stones, I watched).  We also spent time appreciating little things like how many dogs were enjoying running around the freshly cut grass (thankfully my hey fever was kept at bay lol)
and how pretty the views of various parts of the city, which seemed to stretch on forever, were. All for the price of a return train ticket, a packet of doritos and a packet of tangfastic!

Yesterday, I visited another local park with my friend Nicole and again we enjoyed taking in the greenery, the pretty fountain and learned more about our city's history in the museum - all we spent was £3.25 for a pretty large Mango Smoothie - bargain!

I sometimes forget that I don't always have to be rolling in money to get out and about, enjoy the fresh air, get some exercise and discover new and exciting things. 

I'm going to keep making a conscious effort to get outside and enjoy the simple things like parks, museums, nice views, lovely weather - that don't cost much to enjoy. 

Today's Shoes. 

Technically, I didn't have these shoes on today, I've mostly had my slippers on today, but I've worn them most of this week as the weather has been gorgeously sunny.
These are my floral print Lora Dora Canvas shoes, they were a birthday present a few weeks ago and they are so comfy! 
I'd never heard of Lora Dora before but I'd definitely wear them again!

Excuse my slightly sunburned feet haha!



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