New Beginnings.

It's been a little while since I last put anything on my blog, reality sort of took over at some point in February and all of a sudden I looked up and it was nearly the end of April!
Although not much has changed in the last few months, in some ways, lots of things have changed for me. 

Just a few months ago, almost all of my posts were quite focused on how crappy I was feeling about struggling to find a job of any sort, let alone one that ties in with my degree, I was going for interview after interview and getting nowhere fast.  I kind of reached a stage where with every no thank you, came a metaphorical kick to the stomach or a crying session.

Then one day at the end of February - something clicked - someone said yes and in March I started a new job and one that uses my degree.  I'm loving learning all about my new role and the place I work.  I'm a much happier Rachie in that respect.  Gone is the feeling of worthlessness, the feeling of failure and in its place is a whole new sense of excitement.

I'm hoping I can take this feeling and channel it towards injecting a new lease of life into my blog.  I started it as a bit of self therapy and slowly adapted it into a bit of a hub of general Rachie-ness.  Which is fine, except somewhere in the middle it became self therapy again and got a bit heavy.  There is nothing wrong with expressing my feelings or using my blog to do so, I just don't want it to become my dumping ground for everything rubbish I feel.

So I've decided I want to set myself a bit of a schedule of fun - more book reviews, I haven't properly opened a book in a while and I'd like to change that.  

I wanna take my blog on some journeys with me and more importantly I wanna have some more journeys.  They don't have to be far traveled expeditions they just have to be new and fun. 

The other thing that's changed for me since the last time I posted is that I've aged.  Last week I had a birthday and it stirred a bit of a change in me.  I don't mean that now that I'm 27 I'm going to suddenly start changing everything about myself but its instilled a need for a little bit of confidence in me.

A few weeks ago I was mildly irked because I was in a situation where I was the youngest looking person in the room and it had a definite impact on the tone of voice and manner that people had when interacting with me.  Not in a horrible way, if anything it was encouraging and kind - but it also made me feel like I was a child.
While I still sort of thrive on the feeling that the 'proper grown ups' will look after me and make sure I'm safe, I need to recognise and remember that I'm one of them, even if at times others don't.
I don't think I'll ever be 27 going on 47, if anything I'm 27 going on 17 but I need to learn to identify the times to remember I'm a lot closer to 30 than I am to 20.

It's a work in progress. 

Today's Shoes

This is a bit of a blurry picture but these beauties were a birthday present from James.
They are Vans Slip Ons and I adore them!
Especially the purple check pattern which kinda matches my recently dyed purple hair.
I haven't worn them outta the house yet as I only got them yesterday and I'm still wearing them in but I look forward to taking them on their first excursion soon. 



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