My Favourite Things: February

I'm not sure how interesting my post about my favourite things in January actually was for anyone who read it, 
but I enjoyed writing it so I decided to do it again this month....or again this month lol. 

It was kind of cathartic, not only to focus on some positive thought but also to reflect on how fortunate I am in times when I feel a bit sorry for myself - I have a lifestyle that allows me to have favourite possessions - I don't take that for granted.

I've linked to them where I can in case anyone is interested.


February was the month of skirts - I've acquired two this month! 
And they both have pockets!!! I love pockets!!! Pockets!!!

This little beauty came from Cath Kidston,
I really like Cath Kidston stuff but some of it can be a little out of my price range so I my purchases there are generally now and again - this was an early birthday present from Mum. The print reminded me of London - I've been a few times with my friend but I've never actually been to the Palace so I've never seen a Palace Guard up close but I figured this was the next best thing! 

This skirt is a Hell Bunny skirt and I absolutely adore it, I have another two skirts this length, one is pink with black polkadots and the other is black with zombie pin-up girls.  It does all the right things to make me feel comfortable and pretty and has a 50s vibe to the cut that goes well with my shape. 
The circus themed print is really fun and colourful!
My phone camera hasn't done it justice at all but its beautiful.


Yes - these are socks, I like socks. Socks and me go way back.
However, socks can be a massive annoyance to me, once you wash them they go a bit stiff and dry and start to lose a little of their comfort with each wear.  I bought these a few days ago in Accessorize when the socks I had on were catching on my shoes and causing my shoes to dig into my heels - ain't nobody got time for that!  When I bought these they instantly felt like my feet had met their sock soul mate. Yes, that's a weird sentence - do I care? Nope. 


The Ladybird Book of The Hipster by J.A HAZELEY and J.P MORRIS - this book is part of a recently released series of Ladybird books aimed at grownups. 
 As a kid I was read a lot of ladybird books that I really enjoyed.  This series pokes fun at some topical things in the modern day but in keeping with the style of writing in the ladybird books I read as a child.  I found it really funny and would definitely read some of the others in the series. 



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