Lunchtime Ramblings: Organised Mind

I like to think that being organised is one of the strongest skills I have. I can plan things in detail and I think well on paper which helps in a work sense.  In a personal and work sense I often have a to do list for my to do list. 

When I was at college and university I had a list with all my tasks organised my tutor and due date taped to my bedroom door so that whenever I left or entered my room I'd be reminded of what I needed to do and could highlight as I completed things.

This year, I've let my organised side slide and allowed my brain to become frazzled and overloaded while I fly by the seat of my pants. Starting today - that stops! I need my head to be in a place of tranquility and clear vision not scrambled among different things. 

Here are a few tools and methods I find useful - mainly to serve as a reminded to myself to use them but if they are useful to anyone else - then awesome!


I love a good mind map, getting all my thoughts out on paper as I'm planning things and organising them into branches of thought.  Paper and online are both good for me. Some good online ones to try are Barvas and XMind.

Passion Planner

I ordered a passion planner at the beginning of the year to help me stay organised in my planning of personal goals at work and in my personal life like blogging and volunteering.  I did great for a month or so and then I let it slide.  I'd like to use this properly. I might by another one and start again.

Calendar on the wall

I have a big monthly calendar on my wall that I use to write important things on in bright colours to remind me of things I can't forget! Again, I've let this slide. Although for the sheer benefit of having Sherlock characters on my wall, I've just kept it up.

Good old fashioned pocket diary 

I like to have a pocket sized diary for writing down important things I can't Miss that lives in my bag and I can refer to at any point. Not used one at all this year, bit late in the year to start one. Next year for sure! 

Phone reminders

I've probably utilised this one the most this year, I could be more militant with it though. That's the plan going forward anyway. 

How do you stay organised? Any tips? Let me know! :-) 

Back to my desk time, with a more organised brain than the one I left the house with this morning.  



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