Lunchtime Ramblings: Sleepy

I'm sleepy today, properly could lie down for a kip sleepy, I'm at work so there won't be any afternoon naps for me today but never mind.

I have something of a reputation for being sleepy, in my later years of school and my college years. I was notorious for my desk snoozing, there are even some historical photos of me on some friends facebooks where I'm snoozing when I ought to have been learning.

Sometimes I'm sleepy because I've stayed up too late and needed to be up early, sometimes I've gone to bed early and had too much sleep and sometimes I've had too much caffeine and thrown my energy levels out of whack. 

I don't think it's really any of the above this week, I'm just feeling really lethargic and unresponsive. I think I need to start addressing my diet, not in an oh my goodness I need to lose weight kind of way (although it wouldn't hurt) but I think because I've had to cut a lot of things out of my diet with my dairy intolerance, I've over compensated with other sweet things that I know I can have. They are probably adding to the whole sluggish and drained thing. 
It probably doesn't help that I'm not massively keen on exercise either, I could also be looking at ways increase my energy levels in that way too. 

That can be this weeks task, to identify small health changes and try to increase my energy levels and actually be awake during my waking hours.

Recommendations are totally welcome, if anyone has any! 


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