32 things

Everyone has an idea of the milestones they want to tick off by the time they reach certain ages. It’s been a strange year where creating your own entertainment, stimulation and activity are what you make of it. 

With this in mind, I decided with 22 days to go until my birthday, I was going to tick of a list of 32 things. A bit a few years ago when I did a 28 things by 28. Except, instead of 6 weeks, I came up with the idea of doing it with 22 days to go!

The list varied from doing something new to wearing my spare glasses, but it passed the time.  With one day to go, this blog is the last item on my list to be ticked off! Yay! 32 to in 22. 

There are real milestones to be ticked off in life, but until the world is a bit more normal, I’ll be creating my own entertainment and magic! 

Here’s my list and a few examples of my attempts: 

32 in 22

  1. Make meatloaf from scratch 
  2. Make hot cross buns 
  3. Make bread 
  4. Do a 5k walk 
  5. Do a yoga session. 
  6. Put money in savings account 
  7. Have a picnic 
  8. Make something totally new for breakfast   
  9. Spend a working day dressed as snow white 
  10. Spend a working day dressed as dolly parton 
  11. Learn a Dolly Parton song on the ukulele or flugel - Saturday/Sunday 
  12. Go for a lunch time/after work walk 
  13. Decorate an egg 
  14. Paint my nails 
  15. Wear a different pair of shoes every day 
  16. Get car washed 
  17. Sew something 
  18. Wear a hat 
  19. Wear my green glasses for a day  
  20. Bake muffins 
  21. Drink a beanies coffee 
  22. Wear a leopard ensemble I’ve not worn before 
  23. Spend a day dressed as a fairy 
  24. Spend a day dressed as minnie mouse 
  25. Watch a film I’ve never seen before 
  26. Watch the one gilmore girls episode I’ve never seen 
  27. Make a new origami thing 
  28. Over indulge in chocolate 
  29. Park litter pick 
  30. Write a blog post ✅
  31. Make a vision board 
  32. Celebrate easter 


Blogmas: Prattling nonsense about Christmas and Potatoes


We all knew when I posted a Blogmas post on December 1st that it would be highly unlikely I'd post daily.  It's not laziness, I promise. I just don't like posting when even I don't find it interesting! 

My December has been very different this year.  On a 'normal' year I'd be out nearly every day playing Christmas music either in the street, in a church of some sort or in a care facility for the elderly. 
This year, I've largely been sat on my posterior binge watching Riverdale. 

I've cut down largely on actually reading social media but I have been watching people's stories and posting nonsense, I just find it healthier not to engage with everything I scroll past. 
I think that might be what I take from this year, consume less - create more. 

James christened me 'Little Miss Christmas' in the past and that's actually quite a fair description, for a grown woman I am absolutely nuts on Christmas. 
It's fair to say I get high on the vibes of Christmas  - to clarify those vibes are the thoughts of turkey and roast potatoes! 

I've had the same Christmas Dinner at my Aunt and Uncle's home every year since I was born, I'm going to count the Christmas before I was born too as I'd have stolen some of that from my Mum's portion.   This year, I'm having my first Christmas Dinner at home - not cooked by me! Don't be daft!
Potatoes are my vice so when it comes to Christmas I go to next level tattie fiend! 
Not that you need to know that, dear reader, I just feel its helpful to paint a picture. 

I'm not sure this was remotely interesting to read but I was in the mood to prattle about Christmas and potatoes. 

This year, Christmas is going to be very different for all of us. 
I hope whatever you do, you have the best time you can.

I'll prattle some nonsense again soon.


Blogmas: The Tree

I always make some sort of blogmas plan and never stick to it because work and other commitments take over. This year, I’m unemployed and my commitments are limited so I thought I’d try again. 

Today was all about the tree. I actually decorated it yesterday but the official switching on ceremony was today. The official ceremony consisted on me counting down from ten to one and then blasting I wish it could be Christmas everyday. 

Normally I don’t bother with decorations til mid December because I have loads of commitments, this year with everything stripped back, I felt a bit of festive cheer was in order. 

I doubt I’ll post something every day and can’t promise it will be interesting if I do but in the spirit of festive cheer, I’m giving it a go!

Today’s Christmas Film: Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square. 

Today’s most repeated Christmas Song: I Wish  It Could Be Christmas Everyday by Wizard 


Climbing my wall

For the majority of this year, every time I've come onto my laptop to write something, I've very swiftly given up and decided to do something else. 

I don't know if it's a lack of creative spark or just a general sense of nothing mattering enough to be bothered. 

I accepted this week that I'd hit a wall mentally.  After being on furlough for the majority of the year, my role was made redundant, and I haven't been getting far with my job search. I took some time to process this, I've eaten plenty of comfort food, I've had some days where I've vegetated, and I've binged watched just about every series I possibly can on Netflix. 

I know that I'm not alone in my circumstances and compared to others, I am reasonably lucky.  Diversion - I actively try not to compare myself to others as I'm biased in favour of others so will always find a way to come off worse, but I do know that there are people who have it far worse than I at the moment. I do not entirely lack perspective. 

Returning to my original train of thought...if I can remember what it was

I'm pretty lucky; I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and all the baking utensils I need to pass the time during this year. 

That hasn't stopped me dwelling on what was, what isn't and how we get to what will be. My brain goes at a million miles per hour pondering possibilities

  • Whether to try and start something freelance or if that is too competitive?
  • Are the roles I'm applying for out of my reach because I'm not as good as other applicants?
  • Are people going to judge me because I'm struggling to find my feet?

These are natural things for me to ponder in the current circumstances, but my issue is that I'm not processing anything my brain is considering. I'm storing it up, and like my i-cloud account, I'm full to the brim with too many files. I don't fancy paying to extend the storage space mentally or digitally, so I need to start tidying things up.

I've mentioned before that I love autumn as it's a chance to recharge before emerging refreshed, so that's what I'm planning to use this time to do.  

Here are just a few things I've got planned for autumn that I think could help me to climb the wall I hit.  

  • Morning Pages - I read about this on Pinterest, it's essentially emptying your brain in the morning either digitally or with pen and paper and clearing your mind before tackling the day. It can be journaling; it can be to-do lists; it can be whatever I want it to be. I found it helpful this morning so I will give it a go. 
  • Embrace happy and sad in equal measure - I like to be positive, it's a big part of my personality, but it's okay to be sad sometimes too. I highly recommend watching Inside Out if you haven't before. Also, on a personal level, it is okay to be sad and happy about what the big things are for you, even if other people have their bigger things going on. Always justifying stifling what I am feeling is deeply unhealthy. 
  • Saying no - Part of my problem is I can't say no to people. There will be times when the answer in my heart is yes, but when the answer in my heart is no, I say yes anyway. I need to get better at that or I will keep hitting walls or end up stained with dirt from the metaphorical doormat I allow people to walk over. 
  • Plan my days - For the majority of this year, I've taken every day as it comes. When I was on a 100 Happy Days kick, I gave myself a few themes, but I've mostly let each day pass me by with little activity. It's not healthy. I thrive on routine and structure, so I need to find ways to reintroduce it. 

I am in no way qualified to advise on how anyone should process their emotions,, unemployment or navigate their mental health, these are just some ideas that I think will be good for me.   I will signpost to some organisations in the UK.  If you are reading my blog elsewhere (she said, optimistically) please feel free to comment with any similar organisations where you are and I will link to these too.                             








4 Life Lessons I learned from the Spice Girls

So, here's the story from A – Z


I don't think I ever actually made it past the waiting list for the official fan club or completed my collection of those polaroid photos you could buy in Woolworths for about £1 but as far as I was concerned, from the age of seven onwards, I was The Spice Girls most enthusiastic fan.

I had concerts for my stuffed animals or reluctant family members in my back garden, their first album was the first cassette I ever bought. I've no idea what the first CD I ever bought was - I have a feeling it was probably Spice Up Your Life or Robbie Williams - I do know that the first song I ever downloaded was The Hampsterdance Song, purely because I was a massive fan of Disney's Robin Hood and Roger Miller's Whistle Stop song is forever running through my head and my heart, I digress, back to The Spice Girls. 

I tried to start my own Spice Girls fan club in the playground, I made membership cards out of the flimsiest paper in the universe for everyone in my class, with the most horrific hand-drawn images of everyone with my best crayons. Needless to say, they weren't impressed, I reckon they were just jealous of my creative spirit and business savvy! 

My head of unruly curls meant I was never destined to win the role of Sporty or Baby at any playground performance, although on one occasion at a children's club on holiday I got to take on the part of Posh at the talent night. As the youngest member of our three-minute-long tribute band, I felt pressure to deliver my best Victoria, I mean V was a real lady, I hadn't grown into my nose yet – I still haven't.


The concept of Girl Power didn't quite resonate with me in the the way that it does now, at the age of seven as far as I was concerned Girl Power was all friendship and peace signs. I now know better.  I learned many lessons from Scary, Baby, Ginger, Posh and Sporty during my formative years – some of them I grasped at the time, others came as light bulb moments much later in life.


Embrace Your Style


Admittedly, my wardrobe choices probably haven't progressed much beyond my mid 90s Spice inspired choices of big shoes and bold print or colours but I spent a lot of my teenage years censoring myself in case I was in a class with an idiot that day who would make fun of me.  There were occasions where I will allow that my choices were questionable, playboy socks, and my bright orange padded anorak wasn't my most elegant. Now I'm older, I pick what makes me feel good that day, as long as it's appropriate for the environment I'm in, I give very few fluffy ducks.


Spice Up Your Life


Particularly in lockdown this year, I've found myself looking for ways to inject some fun and life into my days.  Whether it's giving my days a theme, trying to cook new dishes or bake new things, I've been actively trying to do something every day.  

We get one shot at this existence, and we'll spend most of it asleep, at work or hiding in the house from a global pandemic or lousy weather. I'm now actively pursuing things that keep a little bit of spice and fun in my life, whether it's dressing up like Paddington Bear at the age of 31 or scrolling through dairy free brownie recipes on Pinterest, I'm adding something to my day to spice it up. 

It's okay to do a Geri.


Geri didn't just break my heart in 1998 when she left the band.  She shook my world.  I was a relatively carefree nine-year-old, had never really experienced or been aware of much in the way of change or loss that impacted me directly.  It was my first experience of something out with my control rocking my understanding and failing to compute. What did anything mean anymore?


My nine-year-old identity crisis aside, Geri removed herself from a situation for reasons that resonated with her at that time.  My 31-year-old self looks back at that now with admiration. There are occasions where I have stayed in jobs or conversations or friendships where my mind and body have been begging me to say 'Bye, Felicia'. 

Who do you think you are?

I maintain at 31 that I am still getting to know myself. I'm not sure it actually stops because we adapt to our surroundings and experiences and who I was a 21 is a bit different to who I am at 31, that's normal. 
If I'm asked by someone to tell them about me, I start with what I thrive on, and what I'm good at, I don't mention that I'm crap at maths, often suppress negative emotions and hate exercise. It's important to check myself sometimes.  I don't mean I'm going to have a pity party and focus on all my flaws and every mistake but focus on who I think I am and what I can do to get myself closer to that. 

Those are just my musings on this lukewarm Thursday. I started writing this post a while ago and revisited it today.  




Mindblowing Broghies Wheat Minis

I mentioned in a previous post about Broghies that they are versatile and quirky, but I wasn't mentally prepared for my mind to be absolutely blown by the new kid on the Broghies block...
Broghies Wheat Minis

Oh my actual goodness, I think, were my exact words when I first tasted what I can only describe as heaven in the form of a low-calorie cracker or bread substitute! 

Much like the larger Broghies, they lend themselves well to rice-based dishes, sweet recipes and bread-based meals.

This isn't a sponsored post, but I did speak with Broghies to learn more about Wheat Minis.

Fast Facts

5 Broghies Minis - 23 Calories
Available in Morrison's stores throughout the UK
Retail Price - £2.00 per bag
(Most likely to be near the Bagels and Thins)
No fat, added sugar or preservatives

Suitable for all recipes - Hot, Cold, Sweet, Savoury

Check out the Broghie website www.broghies.com for full nutritional information.

Here's one of my favourite savoury recipes - 

Bruschetta Broghies: 

 6 tomatoes (de-sessed and finely chopped)
Either 1 clove of garlic or 1 tablespoon of garlic powder
Either 1 chopped onion or 2 chopped spring onion 
3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar or Worcester sauce
4 tablespoons of dry basil - if you have fresh feel free to use that!

Mix together in a bowl and leave to marinate for 30 mins to 1 hour.
Spoon mixture onto Broghies Wheat Minis and enjoy! 


Loving the quirk out of....Broghies

I started writing this post months ago and then my brain got taken over by work and other mind consuming things and it got left sitting in my drafts!

Something I've been loving since I started trying to have a healthier relationship with my body is Broghies.  They have been a real find for me.  This is not a Sponsored Post although I did contact Broghies for permission and some information. 
I first found them in Iceland but you can find your local stockist by checking out their website here

One of my favourite things about Broghies is that they are so versatile - they can be sweet or savoury. I must confess I usually eat them a bit a like a prawn cracker with a curry or chilli but here are a few recipes my boyfriend helped me cook up! 

Beef Tacos:

500g lean or less than 5% beef mince
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
2 teaspoons of garlic salt 
1 onion (chopped)
1-2 teaspoons oregano
1 medium pepper
2 teaspoons of Tobasco

Serve with boiled rice and Broghies

Chicken Tacos: 

Chop chicken into strips and leave to marinate for 1 hour. 

1 Keffir Lime Leaf (chopped finely)
4 Tablespoons of Worcester Sauce
1 Teaspoon Tobasco 
1 small red Chilli (de-seeded)
1 teaspoon chinese 5 spice
Bundle of fresh coriander
Juice of half a lime

Allow 45 minutes to an hour to marinate but stronger flavour when left for 24 hours.

Serve with salad of your choice and Broghies

What are Broghies?
Broghies are a large crispy wafer & a really healthy alternative to bread for a snack.

Fast Facts
Only 20 calories each
Two varieties available  -  Wheat  &  Corn
No fat, added sugar or preservatives
Popped from a machine using only heat & pressure  -  no oil or frying in the process 
Retail price in Iceland & Morrisons: £2.00 per bag of 12
Stay fresh for 7 weeks
Delicious with all Dips, Spreads & Toppings (Hot, Cold, Sweet or Savoury)

Check out the Broghie website www.broghies.com for full nutritional information as well as a demonstration of the Broghies machine in operation.
